Some reviews from Good Reads
The Wikipedia page, including plot summary and more
1. What do you think made Ed pick up the gun and go after the bank robber?
2. What would you do if you suddenly started receiving cryptic messages like Ed did? Would you tell anyone? Would you try to figure them out and do what they said?
3. How does Ed's life change after becoming the Messenger?
4. Who did you think was sending Ed the cards?
5. Why were the messages written on playing cards instead of regular paper? Why the aces and joker?
6. Why didn't Ed go to the police?
7. Do you think Ed would have ever felt inspired to change his life if he had never received the cards? If not, would his life still have been as purposeful?
8. What does Ed do to help Father O'Reilly?
9. Do you think that each of Ed's tasks are equally important, or are some more important than others?
10. What was the point of Ed's second mission for the Ace of Spades?
11. Do you think that the sender was right to put Ed in dangerous situations?
12. What does Ed's mother mean when she says "It takes a lot of love to hate you like this"? Do you think she did the right thing to treat him the way she did?
13. Imagine you were in Ed's position. Which of these would have been the hardest to do? Which would have been your favorite?
14. Who is the Messenger? Why did he do all of this?