Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Links for the next meeting - A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

Robin writes:

You could pick any major newspaper/blog/podcast and find a kind interview/review - e.g. http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2011/may/07/jennifer-egan-life-goon-squad

This is a heavy-going but exhaustive interview by Heidi Julavits: (worth reading if you enjoyed the book!). http://bombsite.com/issues/112/articles/3524

The author also happens to be tweeting a new story this week, 120 characters at a time (more info. on this in Wired - http://www.wired.com/underwire/2012/05/jennifer-egan-black-box-twitter/). Most critics seem to be sceptical about this, which is striking because most were very positive about Goon Squad.

Also, as a refresher, here's a list of the main characters in each chapter:

1 – Sasha & Alex
2 – Bennie & Sasha
3 – Alice, Bennie, Scotty, Lou, Jocelyn, Rhea
4 – Lou, Rolph, Charlene, Mindy
5 – Lou, Bennie, Jocelyn, Rhea, Alice
6 – Scotty & Bennie
7 – Stephanie & Bennie, Jules, La Doll, Bosco
8 – Dolly, Lulu, Kitty
9 – Jules & Kitty
10 – Drew, Bix, Sasha, Lizzie, Rob
11 – Sasha & Ted
12 – Alison, Sasha, Drew, Lincoln
13 – Bennie & Alex, Scotty